Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Kingergarten ... Day 1

You know that commercial ... Life comes at you Fast?
I cannot even remember for the life of me what it is advertising, but anyway .... that is how I felt this morning!

I took Dalton to school first and he wanted to be dropped off at the front door! gasp! Did he feel confident enough to do this on his own or would I have embarrassed him?? I choose to believe the first! I was so proud of him! He just jumped out and disappeared into school! 4th grade.... oh man!

Then for Miss Emma! It took FOREVER to even get to the Elementary School's parking lot! After we got out of the car she grabbed for my hand and I mean she held on tight!! When we got in the front door Mom always comes and brings her preschool staff to greet the Kindergartner's on the first day so they will see some familiar faces! This makes the parents and children feel so much more relaxed. Of course we saw Nana first and she walked to the classroom with us! Along the way we got to see Mrs. Tracy and Mrs. Sharon too! This made Emma's day!!

Thanks to Nana for taking these pictures ... I am not sure my hands would have been steady enough! I just had this huge lump in my throat... especially when Emma turned to me and just hung on for a few seconds. I knew she was fine, but I could just see that look in her eyes!

I don't know what's wrong with me! The last two days have been unreal!

This is Emma's friend Luke from Sandy's! She was so glad to see him this morning!

Nana called awhile ago to report that Emma had gotten through breakfast just fine and she and Luke were catching up!