Saturday, December 01, 2007

What my house looks like after constructing 25 Gingerbread Houses!

Tomorrow is our annual Holiday Party for the children at Church!

We needed some new traditions so we decided to let the Children make their own Gingerbread houses! Wow ... I had no clue what I was getting myself into!!

The craziness begin last night when I actually had to open 25 Kleenex boxes and remove the tissues

Does anyone need a tissue? :P

Oh my goodness .... my kitchen was a MESS!!
25 boxes, 25 hand cut roofs, a gazillion sticks of hot glue, 9 boxes of graham crackers.... need I explain more!!! lol

(notice I did not take a wide angle shot)

We had to lay the seats down in the van just to be able to transport each 'house'!

I will post more pictures tomorrow of the finished project... if I survive!

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